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In a group of seven students,  conduct a comprehensive case study on an intriguing building in Kuala Lumpur or Selangor. The project involves identifying and analyzing five architectural materials and two structural materials used in the building, with a focus on one material that significantly impacts user experience. You will also provide a detailed illustration of the chosen material's installation process. The final presentation, to be displayed on a single A1 board.




Completing this case study has been an enriching experience. Analyzing the building's materials and their impact on user experience deepened my understanding of how architectural elements contribute to a structure’s functionality and aesthetics. Identifying and detailing both architectural and structural materials enhanced my appreciation for the role each plays in construction. Creating a comprehensive presentation helped me refine my skills in research, analysis, and visual communication. This assignment has provided valuable insights into material application and its effect on overall building design.

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1 Discipline Specific Knowledge

1.3 Understand professional practice within the field of study

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